Unlike Head On and The Edge of Heaven, Fatih Akin’s most recent film Soul Kitchen is a comedy. The film focuses on Zinos, a restaurant owner who is forced to employ a drunken chef played by Head On‘s Birol Unel. The chef insists on cooking “real” food, and while this appeals to Zinos he loses […]

Full Story Here Since the age of 12, Hissa Hilal has been writing poetry, although secretly in the years of her childhood. A Saudi Arabian woman, she is not allowed to sit in public without her husband or another family-related male, is prohibited from driving, and must cover her entire body and face with the […]

This article is very interesting because the Turkish government, and particularly the Turkish prime minister urged Turks living in foreign countries not to integrate. He was also quoted as saying assimilation was a “crime against humanity” during a speech in 2008. It is interesting to speculate what affect this sort of rhetoric will have on […]

The court reached its verdict on the Gabriela S. Ossi dispute on Thursday, saying that “East Germans could not be seen as a tribe-like group.”  Gabriela S., born in the German Democratic Republic, was declined from a window manufacturing  job and her application was returned with “Ossi” written across the front.  Gabriela S. took the […]

Memorials were held at Germany’s concentration camps in Brandenburg and Niedersachsen to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the liberation.  Spokespeople from the CDU and SPD were present to give speeches about how critical the National Socialist reign was in defining modern German identity and the lessons it taught the nation. Read the full article here.