General Questions
How often is TRANSIT published?
We accept submissions on a rolling basis and following CFPs. Although our journal will continue to adhere to the traditional periodical format of academic publication, we hope to take even more advantage of the ability to update, augment, or revisit previously published topics online. If you would like to submit an article related to any of the topics that have been discussed in previous issues of TRANSIT, please consult the submission guidelines on our website.
What kind of submissions will TRANSIT consider for publication?
We accept papers and multimedia work, written in English or German, dealing with issues of mobility and migration in a German-language context. Anyone may submit original scholarly or creative work to be considered for publication in TRANSIT. Every submission is peer reviewed before publication.
How does the peer review process work?
TRANSIT uses a double-blind peer review process. Faculty reviewing articles for TRANSIT are asked to use the same standards they would for a leading journal in the field. We are concerned with originality, coherence, clarity, and significance of the material. Comments, critiques, and suggestions are conveyed to the author, but the reviewer’s identity remains confidential. To be published, an article or monograph must receive two positive reviews, and the author must revise the work to address questions raised in the reviews.
Where should I send my manuscript?
Please send submissions and inquiries to transitjournal@berkeley.edu. For more information on formatting your manuscript, please see our stylesheet.
As an attachment, please include 2 documents:
- An abstract of 400 words or less; 5-10 keywords for your article;
- The article in native document format, preferably Microsoft Word. Please DO NOT include any identifying information in the Word document itself, as articles are subject to a blind review process.
In the body of your e-mail, please make sure to mention:
- The article’s title;
- Your name and affiliation;
- That the article is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere.
Book Reviews
Can I review books for TRANSIT?
Yes. If you would like to suggest a book to review, please contact the editor(s). The purpose of including book reviews in TRANSIT is to introduce our readership to primary works concerning migration, travel and transnational issues published within the last three years. Our aim is to discuss the work thematically and stylistically and, when possible, to contextualize the work within the author’s oeuvre or its respective genre. We accept reviews written in English or German.
Multimedia, Translations, Creative Work
I want to submit a translation, film review, exhibition review, or other creative work…
Please email the editors at transitjournal@berkeley.edu for more specific information on submitting multimedia to TRANSIT, as projects, formats, and file types vary widely.
Do I retain copyright of my article?
Basically, yes. Authors are the initial owners of the copyrights to their works, unless the authors, as a condition of employment, have agreed to transfer copyright to their employer.
Copyright policies for the eScholarship Repository are delineated at eScholarship policies. All eScholarship Repository content may be browsed and downloaded at no cost and with no access restrictions. Once an article is published in an eScholarship Repository journal or peer-reviewed series, it may not be removed. The California Digital Library has the right to view and display, store and copy (for preservation purposes), and distribute all eScholarship Repository content.
Authors retain copyright for all content published in the Berkeley Review of Education. The Berkeley Review of Education retains the rights the non-exclusive right to make content available in any format in perpetuity. While authors may reproduce their work in other contexts, content published in the journal will not be removed from the website even if later published elsewhere.
Since TRANSIT is published online, do I still need to obtain copyright permissions for images, video, etc.?
Yes. Although you may choose to link to content published anywhere online, TRANSIT will only host content for which copyright permissions have been cleared.