The article “Sarrazin vergrault tuerkische Waehler” (Sarrazin Scares Away Turkish Voters) discusses how SPD member Thilo Sarrazin recently made inappropriate, racist comments about integration, more precisely about German-Turks. An example of a comment he made is “kleine Kopftuchmaedchen” (small head scarf girls). People cannot understand how Thilo Sarrazin can still be allowed to be part […]

Recently leaders of Turkish decent around Europe have been enticed to join in all-expense paid events in Istanbul. These events were organized by the Turkish government and led by the conservative-religious Justice and Development (AKP) party with a wide array of speakers. The conferences outraged the Turkish-German politicians present who felt the agenda of these […]

This article summarizes the crucial role Turkey plays in a diverse set of important areas, seen form the US point of view. “Given Turkey’s history as a secular democratic stat that respects the rule of             law, but is also a majority Muslim nation, it plays a critical role…in helping to             shape mutual understanding […]

What is Islam? What does it mean to be a good Muslim? Link to Video Here The 2:04-minute trailer to the film “Shahada,” release date as of yet unknown, opens with two very evocative questions relevant to much of the multi-cultural world today. This German film, featured at the 60th Berlin International Film Festival, was […]

This website, much of it in English, some in German, is pretty interesting.  It publishes articles on pretty much anything young people are interested in, from fashion to climate change, sports to education.  Under the “Life in Germany” tab there are articles and resources for people from Italy, Latin America, Russia, and so on.  Check […]

This Sunday, a new synagogue was opened in the German town of Herford, which had been without a synagogue since its last one was destroyed over 70 years ago during Kristallnacht.  There had been a pressing need in the community for a genuine place of worship, as the prayer room in a Jewish school nearby […]