Ganz unten (Lowest of the Low)
With actors Günter Walraff Im Jahr 1985 landete Günther Wallraff mit dem Reportage-Buch “Ganz Unten” einen Aufsehen erregenden Bestseller. Wallraff beschreibt darin seine niederschmetternden Erfahrungen als vermeintlich türkischer Arbeiter in den Thyssen-Stahlwerken. Die gleichnamige Dokumentation entstand aus Aufnahmen, die Wallraff während seiner Arbeitszeit mit versteckter Kamera machte. Ergänzt werden sie durch nachträglich geführte Interviews mit […]
With actors Julia Mahnecke and Adnan Maral Johanna, a feisty 17-year-old German girl with dreams of becoming a fashion designer, discovers her biological father is Turkish. Without telling him of their relationship, she gets a job at his elegant restaurant and disaster follows. Links: IMDB, Filmportal Genre(s): Comedy;
Befreite Zone (Liberated Zone)
Available on DVD Liberated Zone is a drama-filled movie revolving around money-chasing CEOs, interracial couples, unfaithful partners, racism, a hint of homosexuality, and most of all, sex. What more could one ask for in a film about Germany, which is not typically thought to epitomize any of these traits. Two things I found quite peculiar […]
Black Dju
With actors Philippe Leotard, Richard Courcet, Patrice-Flora Praxo, Cesaria Evora From the sea and sun of the Cape Verde Island, it’s a very big step to rainy, gloomy, land-locked Luxembourg, but that’s the journey 20-year-old Dju Dele Dibonga must take to track down his dad, whose yearly visits and monthly guest worker checks have stopped. […]
Produced by Claus Boje With actors Alexander Scheer, Alexander Beyer, Katharina Thalbach, Teresa Weissbach Available on DVD in Germany A “mufta” is a multifunctional table, a “Minetta” is a radio, mopeds are called “Swallows” and “Asthmakraut Halle” (a special asthma medication) is the only recreational drug available. The Soviet Union is big brother; the rest […]
Brudermord (Fratricide)
With actors Xevat Gectan, Erdal Celik, Bulent Buyukasik, Nurettin Celik, Yusuf Gectan, Taies Farzan, Oral Uyan, Xhiljona Ndoja; Available on DVD in Germany Summary: Semo, a Kurdish immigrant and pimp living in Germany, offers to pay for his younger brother Azad to come and join him. Reluctantly, Azad accepts his brother’s offer and makes the long […]
With actors Alexandru Papadopol and nca-Ioana Androne Occident is a Romanian film released in 2002, and directed by Cristian Mungiu. It stars Alexandru Papadopol as a 29-year old man named Luci and Anca Androne as his wife Sorina. The film is a tragicomedy about young people who move to the West when they can not […]