The article “Türken größter Anteil: Etwas weniger Ausländer in Deutschland” talks about immigrants in Germany. According to the article, the number of immigrants in Germany decreased this past year compared to preceding years. However, the number of EU-citizens in Germany increased slightly, with the highest percentage increase coming from Bulgary and Romania. Nonetheless, Turks are […]

This article addresses the role of imams in Germany and anxieties that exist about the nature of Islamic instruction there. As German schools lack training in the Islamic faith, Muslim congregations have been importing imams. One Islamic organization that trains Turkish imams for service in Germany, Diyanet, represents those who would like Europe to develop […]

This was an interesting article in the online addition of Der Spiegel where students sent fictitious resumes to German companies under a Turkish and a German alias.  The study proved that discrimination existed in the job market regardless of qualification, though it was also counteracted by things like recommendations. Read the full article here.

Jannine Menger Hamilton is an immigrant who was raised and educated in Germany. Hamilton appears to be the star example of successful integration and yet she is being denied naturalization because she is a member of a leftist party which according to German authorities is too left. Those preventing Hamilton’s citizenship status are contending that […]