Right-Wing Extremism: Far-right party allowed to distribute CDs to students
I included this article because upon first reading I found it surprising that such far-right ideology was still being exposed in Germany. Given its history over the last 80 or so years i would have thought such extremist rhetoric would be far more taboo; yet I suppose it also caters to the fears of many […]
Extremist Swede gives anti-Islam party millions
In an attempt to prevent the nation of Germany from becoming “too foreign” Swedish businessman Patrik Brinkmann has announced that he will be investing five million Euro into an anti-Islam populist party based in Cologne called Pro NRW. Brinkmann feels assured in the right-wing party’s success and hopes that its relative unnoticed stature will allow […]
Music Video “(Ich bin ein) Ausländer” by Alpa Gun
This music video “(Ich bin ein) Auslaender” by Alpa Gun, a German rapper with Turkish origin (www.wikipedia.org), depicts the integrations problem of immigrants, particularly the children and grandchildren of the Post-World War II generation. These people were often born in Germany and/or have a German passport.
Was wir alleine nicht schaffen
About a year ago Xavier Naidoo’s song, “Was wir alleine nicht schaffen” (What We Can’t Do Alone) was posted on YouTube, since then over 400,000 people viewed the video and over 200 commented on it. Xavier Naidoo is a german pop/soul singer with a South African mother and Indian father who enjoys a very successful […]
Islamist Violence in Europe – We Shouldn’t Exaggerate the Danger
http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/0,1518,670050,00.html The recent attack on Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard has left much of Europe in fear of continued Islamic attacks against various communities. The article interviews Islam scholar Peter Heine on his views of the continued perception of terrorist danger in Germany. Peter Heine does a wonderful job of illustrating the viewpoints of parties on […]
“Architektur des Mordes”
This is an article about the recent rediscovery of the architectural plans of Auschwitz that are now on display in Berlin. The Israeli Premier commented that the reminder of the catastrophes of World War II are critical in preventing similar horrors in today’s world, particularly in terms of the Israeli-Iranian tensions. Original article can be […]
Debate on Feminism and Islam
In a recent election in Switzerland, most citizens voted to ban the construction of minarets. Among those who voted for the ban were many Swiss feminists. Claudia Pinl asks whether it is fair to label the fears Western feminists have about Islam’s view of women as xenophobic, or if those Westerners who are afraid to […]
Workplace bullying trial begins
It is interesting to note that there are quite a few recent articles about discrimination in Germany, particularly if the victim is a member of a demographic minority in Germany. However in my opinion, it does not say that due to this high occurrence of similar discrimination cases that Germany is unwelcoming to foreign workers, […]
Studie zu “Ehrenmorden”
Ein Bericht über eine Studie zu “Ehrenmorden”, die viel Aufmerksamkeit in der deutschen Presse finden, aber nicht unbedingt als solche bezeichnet werden sollten. Die Zeit: Was den Mord zum Ehrenmord macht
Abstimmung über Minarettbau in der Schweiz
Die Schweizer haben sich gegen Minarette entschieden: Spiegel Online: Schweizer stimmen gegen Minarettbau Swiss Minaret Ban Reflects Fear of Islam, Not Real Problems Europas Rechte bejubeln Minarett-Verbot Erste Proteste gegen Schweiz: Islamische Welt entsetzt über Minarett-Verbot Gegenbewegung: Tausende Schweizer demonstrieren gegen Minarettverbot Minarettverbot: Fatih Akin sagt Schweiz-Premiere ab Die Zeit: Schweizer Referendum: Mit dem Rücken […]