Wednesday, April 24, 1-3pm 201 Moses Hall, UC Berkeley Moving Europe continues with two presentations on cultural memory: Soraya Tlatli (University of California, Berkeley, French Department): “Fragmented Memories in Postcolonial France” Emina Musanovic (University of California, Berkeley, German Department): “Clean New Spaces in Cleansed Old Towns: Building a Europe without Ottomans in Bosnia”  

Memorials were held at Germany’s concentration camps in Brandenburg and Niedersachsen to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the liberation.  Spokespeople from the CDU and SPD were present to give speeches about how critical the National Socialist reign was in defining modern German identity and the lessons it taught the nation. Read the full article here.

The song “Triple Rois” (Drei Koenige/Three Kings) contains the voices of three distinct cultures speaking from three distinct vantage points, yet all sharing the same message. This song speaks mainly to the disenfranchisement and alienation felt by those who do not feel that they fit into the dominant cultural paradigm of their country of residence. […]

According to Germany’s Federal Office of Criminal Investigation (BKA), a colony of German Muslim extremist youths has taken hold of the Afghan-Pakistani border. These young people are recruited in Germany and then sever all ties with their homeland and head for a place where they believe that the “Koran stands above everything.”  These youths are […]

The article “Sarrazin vergrault tuerkische Waehler” (Sarrazin Scares Away Turkish Voters) discusses how SPD member Thilo Sarrazin recently made inappropriate, racist comments about integration, more precisely about German-Turks. An example of a comment he made is “kleine Kopftuchmaedchen” (small head scarf girls). People cannot understand how Thilo Sarrazin can still be allowed to be part […]