About a year ago Xavier Naidoo’s song, “Was wir alleine nicht schaffen” (What We Can’t Do Alone) was posted on YouTube, since then over 400,000 people viewed the video and over 200 commented on it. Xavier Naidoo is a german pop/soul singer with a South African mother and Indian father who enjoys a very successful […]

Zeit Online: Religionsfreiheit siegt über neutralen Staat October 29, 2009 A recent decision in the Berlin-Wedding school district will allow a sixteen-year-old Muslim student to pray while at school. At the end of April 2009 a referendum was held to vote on Initiative Pro Reli, which would have mandated religion as a part of the […]

With actors Denis Moschitto, Nora Tschirner, Hasan Ali Mete, Cem Akin, Nursel Köse, Güven Kiraç Available on DVD in Germany and the US Links: IMDB, German-Films.de Genre(s): Comedy; Theme(s): Ethnicity; Spatial or Temporal Spaces and Borders Review by Sara Sellami: Kebab Connection is a comedy by Anno Saul, a German film director, and was released in 2005. […]