Feridun Zaimoğlu Translated by Kristin Dickinson, Robin Ellis, and Priscilla D. Layne Download PDF Abstract: Selections from Feridun Zaimoglu’s book Koppstoff, translated from the German by Kristin Dickinson, Robin Ellis, and Priscilla D. Layne. Sistem versus Soopcoolture Ferah, 24, Student (Film and Television) Works as a go-go dancer in a trendy disco. She likes the […]

Kristin Dickinson, Robin Ellis, and Priscilla D. Layne Download PDF Abstract: Feridun Zaimoğlu’s second major book, Koppstoff: Kanaka Sprak vom Rande der Gesellschaft (1998), resists common conceptions of belonging and challenges readers to rethink conventions of religion, nationalism and femininity. As a group of three translators working within an academic setting, we seek both to […]