Recently, the Turkish Prime Minister has suggested establishing fully-Turkish language teaching secondary (high) schools in Germany. The article is an interview conducted between Deutsche-Welle and Ulrich Raiser, a member of Network Migration in Europe, an EU partly-financed think tank. Mr. Raiser thinks that the main goal of having Turkish schools is to better integrate Turkish […]

According to Germany’s Federal Office of Criminal Investigation (BKA), a colony of German Muslim extremist youths has taken hold of the Afghan-Pakistani border. These young people are recruited in Germany and then sever all ties with their homeland and head for a place where they believe that the “Koran stands above everything.”  These youths are […]

A new film by German film maker Detlef Buck, centered around a love story between a German man and a Cambodian ex-prostitute wins the Piazza Grande at Locarno.  Buck’s comments on his “modern love story” show a progressive way of thinking.  He says this story is “just an example of those who are in the […]

“Heimat, bittersuesse Heimat” (or “Homeland, Bittersweet Homeland”) is an all-black satirical theatre production that showcases real-life experiences of minorities living in a prejudiced but politically-correct society. The sketches also address cultural identity and its fluidity when the actors move smoothly from a German waltz to an African freestyle dance. While the theater group is based in […]

Link to Website Here “R’nBesk” music, a new mix of arabesk music, R’nB and hip hop was first created and brought to the world of German-Turkish music by singer Muhabbet. His music video, found by clicking on his photo on the website linked above is titled “Ich Will Nicht Gehen” (I don’t want to go”). […]

Link to Website Here This website is designed as a sort of multicultural exchange for English speakers for Germany and the cultural and social representations of music. The sight touts its intentions with “Explore music made in Germany!” and “Find out why German rocks!” on the front page. A map with cities in Germany is […]