UC Berkeley: TRANSIT Vol. 14, No. 2 Borderlands  TRANSIT continues to seek papers that engage with aesthetic interventions and practices that question and deconstruct conceptions of borders and borderlands. How might literary and artistic practices shed light on the complexity of local identities and entangled cross-border histories?  We are especially interested in digital practices, cartographic […]

CFP TRANSIT Journal: Volume 14.1 2022-2023: Automated Precarity  In light of ongoing adversities facing migrant communities – climate disasters that displace millions, the automation of production, and political systems that precipitate flight – we invite projects and papers that engage with precarity in its material, social, and aesthetic forms. No longer seen as anomalies but rather […]

As early as the 1920’s, Robert Musil remarked on the enormous effort it takes to stand still in a world that demands constant motion. Reflecting on the zooming street he sees through his window, the protagonist of Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften comments: “Könnte man die Sprünge der Aufmerksamkeit messen, die Leistungen der Augenmuskeln, die Pendelbewegungen […]

Since the beginning of 2020, anti-Asian violence saw a sharp increase in Europe and North America, as frustrations about the COVID-19 pandemic were taken out on those marked as Asian or “asiatisch gelesen.” In response to the March 2021 shootings in Atlanta, the Berlin-based network for Asian German perspectives korientation posted the open letter “Atlanta – […]

CFP TRANSIT Journal: Volume 13.1 2020-2021: Traveling Forms Due to numerous requests, TRANSIT has extended the deadline for submissions to October 11, 2020. As a pandemic and international solidarity for Black Lives Matter demand reckoning with crises of a global scale, this call for papers proposes to rethink German Studies in its constitutive contradiction: formed […]

In light of continuing developments around the globe, TRANSIT has decided to reopen our recently edited CFP for submissions. Our 2020 publications will feature responses to our Call for Papers (entitled: “Landscapes of Migration”). We welcome all submissions, both traditional papers and multi-media projects that make use of our online platform’s digital capabilities. In addition, […]