- 100 pour cent Arabica (100% Arabica)
by Ashley Gayles
- 300 Worte Deutsch (300 Words of German)
by Kumars Salehi
- 40 Quadratmeter Deutschland (Forty Square Meters of Germany)
by Ashley Gayles
- Abgebrannt (Burnout)
by Bo Yang
- Abschied vom falschen Paradies (Farewell to False Paradise)
by Ashley Gayles
- Abschied von Gestern (Yesterday Girl)
by Ashley Gayles
- Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes (Aguirre: The Wrath of God)
by Ashley Gayles
- Alamanya Alamanya – Germania Germania
by Ashley Gayles
- Ali au pays des mirages (Ali in Wonderland )
by Ashley Gayles
- Alice in den Städten (Alice in the Cities)
by Ashley Gayles
- Allemagne 90 neuf zéro (Germany Year 90 Nine Zero)
by Ashley Gayles
- Alles auf Zucker! (Go for Zucker)
by Ashley Gayles
- Alles wird gut (Everything’s Gonna Be Great)
by Ashley Gayles
- Alltag
by Ashley Gayles
- Almanya – Willkommen in Deutschland (Almanya – Welcome to Germany)
by Ashley Gayles
- Almanya Aci Vatan (Germany, Bitter Homeland)
by Kumars Salehi
- Am Rand der Städte (On the Outskirts)
by Ashley Gayles
- Anam – Meine Mutter (My Mother)
by Ashley Gayles
- Anatolia Blues – In Memoriam Aşık Veysel
by Kumars Salehi
- Angst essen Seele auf (Ali: Fears Eats the Soul)
by Ashley Gayles
- Angst isst Seele auf (Fear Eats the Soul)
by Ashley Gayles
- Anita and Me
by Ashley Gayles
- Apo tin akri tis polis – Am Rande der Stadt (From the Edge of the City)
by Berkeley MGP
- Aprilkinder (April Children)
by Ashley Gayles
- Auf der anderen Seite (The Edge of Heaven)
by Ashley Gayles
- Aufstellung (Lineup)
by Berkeley MGP
- Aus dem Nichts (In the Fade)
by Kumars Salehi
- Aus der Ferne sehe ich dieses Land (I See This Land from Afar)
by Berkeley MGP
- Ausländer raus! Schlingensiefs Container (Foreigners Out! Schlingensief’s Container)
by Kumars Salehi
- Auslandstournee (Tour Abroad)
by Berkeley MGP
- Babylon 2 – Das Mitte-Land (The Big Mid Land)
by Berkeley MGP
- Badolato: Hoffen auf ein Wunder (Hasan Stopped at Badolato)
by Berkeley MGP
- Bagdad Café (Out of Rosenheim)
by Berkeley MGP
- Barbara
by Kumars Salehi
- Bastarde. Postmigrantisches Theater Ballhaus Naunynstraße (Bastards – Postmigrant Theater at the Ballhaus Naunynstraße)
by Kumars Salehi
- Befreite Zone (Liberated Zone)
by Berkeley MGP
- Bella Martha (Mostly Martha)
by Berkeley MGP
- Ben Annemin Kiziyim – Ich bin die Tochter meiner Mutter (I’m My Mother’s Daughter)
by Berkeley MGP
- Bend it Like Beckham (Kick it Like Beckham)
by Berkeley MGP
- Berivan
by Kumars Salehi
- Berlín (Berlin)
by Berkeley MGP
- Berlin in Berlin
by Berkeley MGP
- Bis zum Ende aller Tage (Girl from Hong Kong)
by Berkeley MGP
- Black Deutschland
by Ashley Gayles
- Black Dju
by Berkeley MGP
- Brothers in Trouble
by Berkeley MGP
- Brudermord (Fratricide)
by Ashley Gayles
- Bye-Bye
by Berkeley MGP
- Chiko
by Kumars Salehi
- Code inconnu: Récit incomplet de divers voyages (Code Unknown: Incomplete Tales of Several Journeys)
by Berkeley MGP
- Crossing the Bridge – The Sound of Istanbul
by Berkeley MGP
- Dann lieber gleich ins falsche Paradies (I’d Rather Go Straight to the False Paradise!)
by Berkeley MGP
- Dar Ghorbat – In der Fremde (Far from Home)
by Berkeley MGP
- Darwin’s Nightmare (Darwin’s Albtraum)
by Berkeley MGP
- Das Fräulein (Fraulein)
by Berkeley MGP
- Das kalte Paradies (Cold Paradise)
by Berkeley MGP
- Das serbische Mädchen (The Serbian Girl)
by Berkeley MGP
- Das Versprechen (The Promise)
by Berkeley MGP
- Dealer
by Berkeley MGP
- Dein Land ist mein Land (Your Country is my Country)
by Ashley Gayles