Silke Felber and Teresa Kovacs Download PDF Abstract Ausgehend vom Begriff des Schwarms fragt der Beitrag nach dem Schreiben über Asyl und Migration in Elfriede Jelineks Theatertext Die Schutzbefohlenen (2013). Basierend auf der Beobachtung, dass Jelinek den Begriff des Schwarms aus Aischylos’ Tragödie Die Schutzflehenden entlehnt (konkret handelt es sich um den „Vogelschwarm“ und den […]

Posted in conjunction with the course Multicultural Germany in fall semester 2015. Author: Kenneth Cromer The Edge of Heaven (2007), directed by German-Turkish director Fatih Akın, is an award-winning German-Turkish film that exemplifies the convergence of German and Turkish cultures in many regards, including heritage, language and lifestyle. Beyond the masterfully crafted intersecting storylines, an […]

Bettina Stoetzer Download PDF Abstract In his book Landscape and Memory, Simon Schama argues that an engagement with the legacies of German nationalism requires a track through the woods: throughout German history, forests have played a key role as origin myth to found a national identity (Schama 1995). In today’s forests, these entanglements between the […]

As part of the Multicultural Germany undergraduate seminar at UC Berkeley, students reviewed recent German films relating in various ways to topics of migration, multiculturalism, and contemporary German identity. Melissa Carlson reviewed Yilmaz Arslan’s 2005 film “Brudermord”:  Fratricide is a drama with moments of extreme violence. The movie follows the story of two young Kurdish refugees who […]

With actors Xevat Gectan, Erdal Celik, Bulent Buyukasik, Nurettin Celik, Yusuf Gectan, Taies Farzan, Oral Uyan, Xhiljona Ndoja; Available on DVD in Germany Summary: Semo, a Kurdish immigrant and pimp living in Germany, offers to pay for his younger brother Azad to come and join him. Reluctantly, Azad accepts his brother’s offer and makes the long […]