This post is part of a series in which students reflect on their discussions in the UC Berkeley undergraduate seminar “Multicultural Germany.” This week two students have written summaries of the past week’s sessions. The first is by Brittany Scott: The first discussion of the week began with an intriguing presentation by fellow classmate Jenelle, who gave […]

Student News Report by Yiran Wang: According to the news agency Reuters, Germans are becoming more inclusive toward immigrants. In past decades, Germany was known for its strict immigration laws and unfriendly attitudes towards immigrants. Due to unemployment in the 1970s oil crisis, the challenges of reunification and other issues, Germany was reluctant to accept more immigrants. As Germany’s […]

Komik der Integration: Grenzpraktiken des Sozialen 11. -13. Juli, 2013, Universität Konstanz Veranstaltung des Exzellenzclusters Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration Organisation: Özkan Ezli (Konstanz), Deniz Göktürk (Berkeley), Uwe Wirth (Gießen) Webseite der Tagung mit Texten zur Vorbereitung und Erklärung des Tagungskonzepts