Multiculturalism and the 2013 Bundestag Elections

Early partial results in German Bundestag elections show the Christian Democratic party (CDU) winning with 42 percent of the vote. The Social Democrats (SPD) are in second place with 25.5 percent of the vote. The Left Party and the Green Party are projected to come in next with approximately eight and a half percent each. The election is viewed as a big victory for Angela Merkel’s CDU party. The party almost has an absolute majority in the Bundestag and had its highest performance since 1990, when Germany was just unified.

The election has been hailed as an important one both within and beyond Germany with such issues as the European Union and high unemployment emerging as essential elements. Approximately 10 percent of the German electorate are migrants, but how has Germany’s migrant population been reflected in these elections?

Below is a selection of media articles addressing the role of migrant voters and candidates, as well as the treatment of multicultural issues during this election.

Migrant voters influenced by cultural heritage [16.08.13]

Sixty six candidates of Turkish origin stand for election in Germany [22.09.13]

Turkish vote in Germany no longer taken for granted by left [17.09.13]

German parties wake up to migrant vote [13.09.13]

Far right party calls on immigrants to emigrate [20.09.13]

Additionally, this article from Humanity in Action is relevant when looking at the role of migrants in these elections. Written in 2005, it addresses divisions within the migrant community on voting habits and political agendas as well as the difficulties inherent in German political language and rhetoric. It uses interviews with government officials and voters to analyze the role of migrants in the German electoral system.