This article is about recent university developments in Germany. It states that universities are making moves to broaden their theology programs to include further study of Islam.  The response has been fairly positive and the Muslim, particularly the Turkish, communities see the development as an effort towards their integration into German society. Read more here…

Zeit Online: Religionsfreiheit siegt über neutralen Staat October 29, 2009 A recent decision in the Berlin-Wedding school district will allow a sixteen-year-old Muslim student to pray while at school. At the end of April 2009 a referendum was held to vote on Initiative Pro Reli, which would have mandated religion as a part of the […]

With actors Xevat Gectan, Erdal Celik, Bulent Buyukasik, Nurettin Celik, Yusuf Gectan, Taies Farzan, Oral Uyan, Xhiljona Ndoja; Available on DVD in Germany Summary: Semo, a Kurdish immigrant and pimp living in Germany, offers to pay for his younger brother Azad to come and join him. Reluctantly, Azad accepts his brother’s offer and makes the long […]