This semester the UC Berkeley German Department will once again offer the undergraduate seminar “Multicultural Germany,” which will focus on migration and mobility in post-WWII German history. In the coming weeks, we hope to share some of the conversation generated within the classroom here on the project blog. As part of the course, students will […]

Komik der Integration: Grenzpraktiken des Sozialen 11. -13. Juli, 2013, Universität Konstanz Veranstaltung des Exzellenzclusters Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration Organisation: Özkan Ezli (Konstanz), Deniz Göktürk (Berkeley), Uwe Wirth (Gießen) Webseite der Tagung mit Texten zur Vorbereitung und Erklärung des Tagungskonzepts

Wednesday, April 24, 1-3pm 201 Moses Hall, UC Berkeley Moving Europe continues with two presentations on cultural memory: Soraya Tlatli (University of California, Berkeley, French Department): “Fragmented Memories in Postcolonial France” Emina Musanovic (University of California, Berkeley, German Department): “Clean New Spaces in Cleansed Old Towns: Building a Europe without Ottomans in Bosnia”  

Lecture by Prof. Christoph Lindner (University of Amsterdam) on April 23 Remaking the European City: Amsterdam, Globalization, and Street Art Date: April 23 Place: 201 Moses Hall, 12.30-1.30pm This presentation is about art, globalization, and urban counterculture in 21st-century Europe. Focusing on Amsterdam, but also addressing parallels with London, Paris, and Berlin, the discussion will […]