This post is part of a series in which students reflect on their discussions in the UC Berkeley undergraduate seminar “Multicultural Germany.” This week’s summary is by Jennifer Lau:  Museum exhibitions and culture commemorations served as the primary focal point for this week’s examination of institutions of multiculturalism in Germany. We began with a debate […]

On  Saturday, a new exhibition called “Das neue Deutschland: Von Migration und Vielfalt” opened at the Deutsches Hygiene Museum in Dresden.  The exhibition deals with contemporary Germany as a product of migration and diversity. It aims to explore the Germany of today and to “examine the direction in which it is evolving in its social and cultural diversity.” […]

Circulating Memory events with Aleida Assmann (University of Konstanz, Germany)  — Film Screening and Lecture Film Screening — US Premiere!: 10/28, 5-7pm, Dwinelle B-4 Anfang aus dem Ende: Die Flakhelfergeneration (Beginning out of an Ending) 2013, documentary, 85 min, directed by Aleida Assmann, in German with English subtitles, followed by discussion

Komik der Integration: Grenzpraktiken des Sozialen 11. -13. Juli, 2013, Universität Konstanz Veranstaltung des Exzellenzclusters Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration Organisation: Özkan Ezli (Konstanz), Deniz Göktürk (Berkeley), Uwe Wirth (Gießen) Webseite der Tagung mit Texten zur Vorbereitung und Erklärung des Tagungskonzepts

Wednesday, April 24, 1-3pm 201 Moses Hall, UC Berkeley Moving Europe continues with two presentations on cultural memory: Soraya Tlatli (University of California, Berkeley, French Department): “Fragmented Memories in Postcolonial France” Emina Musanovic (University of California, Berkeley, German Department): “Clean New Spaces in Cleansed Old Towns: Building a Europe without Ottomans in Bosnia”  

Lecture by Prof. Christoph Lindner (University of Amsterdam) on April 23 Remaking the European City: Amsterdam, Globalization, and Street Art Date: April 23 Place: 201 Moses Hall, 12.30-1.30pm This presentation is about art, globalization, and urban counterculture in 21st-century Europe. Focusing on Amsterdam, but also addressing parallels with London, Paris, and Berlin, the discussion will […]