On  Saturday, a new exhibition called “Das neue Deutschland: Von Migration und Vielfalt” opened at the Deutsches Hygiene Museum in Dresden.  The exhibition deals with contemporary Germany as a product of migration and diversity. It aims to explore the Germany of today and to “examine the direction in which it is evolving in its social and cultural diversity.” […]

This post is part of a series in which students reflect on their discussions in the UC Berkeley undergraduate seminar “Multicultural Germany.” This week’s summary is by Ann Huang: As the discussion of a multicultural Germany progresses, the conversation naturally gravitates towards an analysis of the contemporary situation of ‘migrants’ and the persistent underlying difficulties to […]

This post is part of a series in which students reflect on their discussions in the UC Berkeley undergraduate seminar “Multicultural Germany.” This week two students have written summaries of the past week’s sessions. This is the second post, written by Julia Schroeder:  Just last week a Coca-Cola Super Bowl advertisement ignited an ongoing online […]

This post is part of a series in which students reflect on their discussions in the UC Berkeley undergraduate seminar “Multicultural Germany.” This week two students have written summaries of the past week’s sessions. The first is by Brittany Scott: The first discussion of the week began with an intriguing presentation by fellow classmate Jenelle, who gave […]

This post is the first in a series that will give weekly summaries of the discussions taking place in the UC Berkeley undergraduate seminar “Multicultural Germany.” Each week’s discussions will be summarized by a different student in the course; this week’s post is by Sara Sellami: 1955 marks the year West Germany started the guest worker program. […]

A group of more than 60 Academics released an online petition Tuesday calling on the new German government to reform integration politics by creating a separate government bureau to exclusively address migration and integration policy. The reformers state that the Bundesinnesministerium, which currently handles integration affairs, is often too overwhelmed with their primary goals of […]