German Expatriate Forum
The German Way Forum provides a means of communication for expatriates. Many of these expatriates who have questions or other issues can simply post to the blog, and wait for others who are more knowledgeable to answer their queries. Whether it be problems with the language or everyday life, the German Way Forums seeks to […]
“Auslaender sollen unsere alten Leute pflegen” (“Foreigners should tend to our old people”)
The article “Auslaender sollen unsere alten Leute pflegen” (“Foreigners should tend to our old people”) talks about how German nurses are calling for help from abroad. The number of skilled nurses is too low for the current conditions. This is due not only to an aging population, but also because qualified nurses are emigrating. Therefore, […]
Court to Decide if East Germans are Ethnic Group
This week in Stuttgart a labor court will decide on the issue of East German ethnic identity after a East German born woman filed a anti-discrimination lawsuit against a West German window manufacturer for rejecting her application on the basis of her origin. The returned resume had the words “Ossi” and a minus sign written […]
The Third Generation: German Jihad Colonies Sprout Up in Waziristan
The following article from the Spiegel discusses the third generation of Islamist terrorists since 9/11 and their relatively swift radicalization and departure for Jihad training grounds around the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan. The article focuses mainly on the story of a few of these potential terrorists, ethnic Germans or those raised in Germany. Most […]
German Youths become Islamic Extremist Expats
According to Germany’s Federal Office of Criminal Investigation (BKA), a colony of German Muslim extremist youths has taken hold of the Afghan-Pakistani border. These young people are recruited in Germany and then sever all ties with their homeland and head for a place where they believe that the “Koran stands above everything.” These youths are […]
“Merkel offen fuer tuerkische Schulen in Deutschland” (Merkel is open towards Turkish schools in Germany)
The article “Merkel offen fuer tuerkische Schulen in Deutschland” (Merkel is open towards Turkish schools in Germany) talks about how chancellor Angela Merkel met with Minister-President Erdogan in Turkey this past week. They discussed the topic of Turkish schools in Germany, stating that schools in which Turkish is taught already exist in Germany. This offering […]
“No” to dual citizenship
German-born children of foreign parents will have to choose between citizenship in their birth country and their parents’ country. The article on immigration talks about three German states that proposed to allow German-born children of foreign parents to keep dual citizenship, but were denied. Chancellor’s conservative position on immigration is in line with her earlier […]
“Tuerkei will mit Merkel ueber Visa reden” (“Turkey wants to talk with chancellor Merkel about visa”)
The article “Tuerkei will mit Merkel ueber Visa reden” (“Turkey wants to talk with Chancellor Merkel about visa”) addresses the issue of visa-free travel into the EU. Turkish citizens are dissatisfied by the fact that they still have to apply for a visa to travel to EU countries, even though Turkey has applied to become […]
Mouthpieces for Turkish Interests
Recently leaders of Turkish decent around Europe have been enticed to join in all-expense paid events in Istanbul. These events were organized by the Turkish government and led by the conservative-religious Justice and Development (AKP) party with a wide array of speakers. The conferences outraged the Turkish-German politicians present who felt the agenda of these […]
Traveling to Germany ‘breaks down prejudices’
This article states that vacationing in Germany has significantly increased recently, and with this, German stereotypes of “cold and impatient” people have been proven false. It attributes the recent influx of tourism to the cheap cost of hotels and the quick city tours. One thing this article fails to mention is that perhaps some of […]