“Tuerkei will mit Merkel ueber Visa reden” (“Turkey wants to talk with chancellor Merkel about visa”)

The article “Tuerkei will mit Merkel ueber Visa reden” (“Turkey wants to talk with Chancellor Merkel about visa”) addresses the issue of visa-free travel into the EU.
Turkish citizens are dissatisfied by the fact that they still have to apply for a visa to travel to EU countries, even though Turkey has applied to become an EU-member. Citizens of, for example, Serbia, Montenegro, and Macedonia, don’t have to apply for a visa to travel into and out of the EU, even though these countries have not applied to become EU-members.
Many Europeans fear that visa-free travel will lead to an uncontrollable rush of Anatolian masses into the EU. However, visa exemption would be an important step in bettering Turkish-European relations.
This visa topic will undoubtedly be raised on Chancellor Angela Merkel’s visit to Turkey on March 29th and 30th.