Iso Camartin Download this article as a PDF. Abstract: This lecture was originally delivered at the University of California, Berkeley, on November 18, 2008. Its thematic focus is on multilingualism and cultural diversity in Switzerland. It also addresses political and cultural loyalty, modern survival strategies in economically marginal regions, and cultural priorities in a globalized […]

Iso Camartin Translated by Kurt Beals Download PDF Abstract: Originally published in German in Iso Camartin, Die Deutschen und ihre Nachbarn: Schweiz (Munich: C.H. Beck, 2008). Acknowledgments: Translated from the German by Kurt Beals. We don’t just sit down at the table and dig in. Good manners require that we speak to one another before […]

In 2008, research assistants Kristin Dickinson, Robin Ellis and Priscilla Layne won the Susan Sontag Prize for Translation for their collaborative translation from German into English of “Koppstoff: Kanaka Sprak vom Rande der Gesellschaft” by Feridun Zaimoğlu. The book presents the fictionalized voices of 26 Turkish women living in Germany.

Emily Apter Download PDF Abstract: Commenting on the judicial scandal of the conviction of Mohammed Yousry, the official translator for the mastermind behind the first World Trade Center bombing, Emily Apter argues that translators occupy an increasingly dangerous position in the post-9/11 world. Through her analysis of the trial and the accompanying controversy on translation, […]

Emine Sevgi Özdamar Translated by Leslie A. Adelson Download PDF Abstract: This multilingual short story is a multifaceted gem of contemporary fiction. Tracking habits and ruptures in the daily lives of her neighbors and interlocutors around a German courtyard, a Turkish migrant begins to model-whimsically and with punning poignancy-something approximating postnational intimacy. In this imaginative […]