TRANSIT‘s second issue—Translation and Mobility—explores the spatial movement and linguistic mobility inherent in translation. The articles that comprise this second issue engage the topics of translation and mobility in a number of ways, with two themes emerging as the central areas of inquiry. The first set of questions center around linguistic mobility versus spatial mobility. […]

Jeroen Dewulf Download PDF Abstract: Wenn in einem schweizerischen Kontext von einer Heimkehr aus Brasilien die Rede ist, stellen sich unvermeidlich Assoziationen zu Gottfried Kellers “Martin Salander” (1886) ein. Doch während Keller die Rückkehr und Reintegration seines Protagonisten in die Schweizer Heimat als völlig unproblematisch darstellt, bilden die Texte authentischer Brasilienheimkehrer eine ganz andere Realität […]

Christina Kraenzle Download PDF Abstract: Travel and translation constitute the primary focus of Yoko Tawada’s literary production. Many of Tawada’s German-language works are travel stories that consider the models of subjectivity enabled by travel across spaces and languages. This essay considers how her works investigate the interconnectedness of mobility, geography, language and identity, and how […]

David D. Kim Download PDF Abstract: Following the exhibition of Ashanti culture in Vienna’s Prater in the summer of 1896, the impressionist writer Peter Altenberg published Ashantee (1897) in remembrance and reenactment of that space in translation. Translation here connotes two parallel processes: trans-lation and trans-lation. The former articulates the hybridization of subjects in transit […]

Graham Parkes Download PDF Abstract: This six-and-a-half-minute video, Flânerie, is an audiovisual projection of a number of themes in Convolute M (“The Flâneur”) of Walter Benjamin’s The Arcades Project, with a focus on the flâneur’s “kaleidoscopic consciousness” and experience of the crowd, as well as on the “colportage phenomenon of space.”  It is one of […]

Emily Apter Download PDF Abstract: Commenting on the judicial scandal of the conviction of Mohammed Yousry, the official translator for the mastermind behind the first World Trade Center bombing, Emily Apter argues that translators occupy an increasingly dangerous position in the post-9/11 world. Through her analysis of the trial and the accompanying controversy on translation, […]

Boris Previsic Download PDF Abstract: Die Übersetzungen Hölderlins nach 1800 veranschaulichen seine ganz besondere Aneignung des griechischen Rhythmus: Während in einer ersten “metrischen Phase” zunächst die Metren und vor allem auch die äolischen Perioden des antiken Chorgesangs von Sophokles direkt von der Vorlage übernommen werden, entfernt sich Hölderlin zusehends davon, so dass er gegen Schluss […]