Criss-Crossing in Global Space and Time: Fatih Akın’s The Edge of Heaven (2007)
Barbara Mennel Download PDF Abstract: In this essay, I argue that The Edge of Heaven constitutes a sophisticated and complex, and in part seemingly paradoxical, response to globalization. I suggest that the film captures the effects of globalization’s most pronounced characteristics. Transnational mobility, digital media, and the increased speed of transportation and information technology have […]
Encounters on a Street Corner: Sommer vorm Balkon and the Return of the Berlin Film
Mila Ganeva Download PDF Abstract: Sommer vorm Balkon has received critical acclaim for its director’s specific brand of low-key and crowd-pleasing realism. Praised have been also the film’s stylistic austerity and peculiar post-unification mix of various generic elements. At the same time, Sommer vorm Balkon can be considered a part of the venerable tradition of […]
“Where Europe Begins”: A Selection from the Short Story by Yoko Tawada
Translated by Susan Bernofsky Download PDF Abstract: Excerpts from “Where Europe Begins,” published in Where Europe Begins. Trans. Susan Bernofsky. New York: New Directions, 2002. These excerpts are reproduced here with the permission of the publisher. I always wrote a travel narrative before I set off on a trip, so that during the journey I’d […]
Finnischer Wintervorrat.