The topic of the article “Jetzt haengt Deutschland drin” (“Now Germany is in the midst of things”) is the current financial situation of Greece. Greece is receiving help from the European Union, and Germany is bearing the largest burden. Not everyone approves this. For example, Hans-Werner Sinn, head of Ifo-Institut, is concerned that Athens might […]

Chapter four of Peck’s book is entitled “Representing Jews in Germany Today.” Peck shares his own personal experiences, bringing up the point that though he would be considered Jewish in the United States, in Germany the fact that he has a Gentile mother would keep him from becoming a member of the Jewish community there, […]

The article “Mehr ausländische Arbeitnehmer mit akademischem Abschluss” details the recent rise of more highly qualified workers from non-German families within the Federal Republic. In the state of Baden-Württemberg the percentage of non-German employees with vocational training has increased from 37 to 42 percent in the past decade. Similarly the number of migrant employees with […]

This article talks about a Turkish-German writer who defends democracy, freedom, enlightenment, secular order and civil society. Necla Kelek’s new book  “casts a critical look at Islam and condemns the oppression and lack of freedom within Turkish communities and families in Germany.” This comes from her own life experience, which she has often shared: Before […]