Jewish Group Praises Germany for its Prosecution of Nazis

The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a self-described “human rights” group named after Holocaust survivor and author of the novel The Sunflower Simon Wiesenthal, has given Germany an “A” in its pursuit and prosecution of former World War II Nazis.  The U.S., where the Center is headquartered, is the only other country to receive an “A” for its action against Nazis.  According to the Center, countries such as Canada and Australia have been a complete failure in pursuing these now elderly Nazis.

For a Jewish human rights group to give praise and recognition to Germany for acknowledging and taking action to, in a sense, undo or make amends for the horrendous acts committed in this country against Jews, is a big step for  German-Jewish relations.  In the past the country has shown its guilty conscience, and continues each day to put things right.  This is a noteworthy time in German-Jewish history.

Read full article here.