Reviewed by Steve Choe Download PDF Ewa Mazierska and Laura Rascaroli. Crossing New Europe: Postmodern Travel and The European Road Movie. London: Wallflower Press, 2006. Pp. 245. Cloth, $75.00. Paper, $25.00. It is frankly astonishing to read that, according to the back cover of Crossing New Europe, this new text represents “the first comprehensive study of […]

Reviewed by Christina Gerhardt Download PDF John Zilcosky. Kafka’s Travels: Exoticism, Colonialism, and the Traffic of Writing. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. Pp. xvi, 289. Cloth $79.95. Paper $26.95. As much a meditation on the relationship among Franz Kafka’s writing, travel and travel writing, and concomitant subject matters – such as fin de siècle exoticism, […]

This issue is presented in conjunction with the international conference “Goodbye Germany? Migration, Culture, and the Nation State” held on 28-30 October 2004. This first issue of TRANSIT grew out of a conference titled “Goodbye, Germany? Migration, Culture, and the Nation-State”, which was held at the University of California, Berkeley, October 28-30, 2004. The conference […]

Werner Sollors Download PDF Abstract: In recent years the question whether Germany was or was not a country of immigration became the bone of party contention, as the governing Gerhard Schöder/Joschka Fischer coalition of Social Democrats and Greens demanded a recognition of the changing face of Germany, and Chancellor Schröder made a thorough reform of […]

Regina Römhild Download PDF Abstract: The article explores the increasing gap between the cultural dynamics of transnationalization in Germany and the national self-perception of the German society. While concepts of “in-migration” (Zuwanderung) and “integration” still stick to notions of the nation-state as being a “container” embracing and controlling a population and a culture of its […]

Sarah Bailey Download PDF Abstract: In 2000, W.W. Norton and Company released a new English-language edition of Joseph Roth’s 1927 compilation of essays entitled, Juden auf Wanderschaft. The edition’s dustcover proclaims in large, bold typeface: “A masterpiece of Jewish identity emerges in English 70 years after it was first written.” While it can’t be denied […]

David Theo Goldberg Download PDF Abstract: Distinguishing between descriptive and normative conceptions of multiculturalism, I argue that multiculturalisms emerged historically to challenge dominant presumptions of demographic, social, and cultural homogeneity. Focusing on contrasting pictures in the US and South Africa, I map the historical curtailments of heterogeneities in each. I conclude by urging multicultural commitments […]

Serhat Karakayali Download PDF Abstract: Since the antiracist debates of the 1990s, it has been proper parlance in leftist circles to speak of multiculturalism as a particular kind of racism. But what does the subject of racism have to do with multiculturalism? Even if one were to disregard the unreasonable conception that the subject is […]