TRANSIT Vol. 13, No. 1 Deniz Göktürk Download PDF In spring 2021, the seminar on Archival Resistance in Modern German Literature evolved as a small but intense research collective entirely online, utilizing Zoom, a course website on bCourses, shared documents on GoogleDocs, and a blog on the Multicultural Germany Project website. The participants of the […]

TRANSIT Vol. 13, No. 1 Camila YaDeau [Related Links: “Introduction” by Andrew Blough and Jonas Teupert] Download PDF Abstract From 1903 to 1904 while exiled in Japan, Liang Qichao (1873-1929), an intellectual and political theorist of late-Qing and early-Republican China,  introduced Chinese readers for the first time to Immanuel Kant in a series of articles […]

TRANSIT Vol. 13, No. 1 Candela Potente [Related Links: “Introduction” by Andrew Blough and Jonas Teupert] Download PDF Abstract Psychoanalysis, as Carl Schorske claimed, was a child of its own epoch. Marked by the political situation in Austria, Victorian moral codes, the German language and its literary tradition, readings of Classical Greco-Roman culture, and bourgeois […]

by Zafer Şenocak TRANSIT Vol. 13, No. 1 Translated by Kristin Dickinson Excerpt from Das Fremde, das in jedem wohnt: Wie Unterschiede unsere Gesellschaft zusammenhalten [The Foreign Dwells in Everyone: How Differences Keep Our Society Together] (Hamburg: Edition Koerber, 2018) [Related Links: Deniz Göktürk’s introduction; Kristin Dickinson’s translation of “Empty Archives – Lost Letters” from […]

Sarah Bailey Download PDF Abstract: In 2000, W.W. Norton and Company released a new English-language edition of Joseph Roth’s 1927 compilation of essays entitled, Juden auf Wanderschaft. The edition’s dustcover proclaims in large, bold typeface: “A masterpiece of Jewish identity emerges in English 70 years after it was first written.” While it can’t be denied […]