Dear Readers, We are pleased to announce the publication of the first installment of texts in our 2013–14 volume: an excerpted translation of Sabahattin Ali’s Kürk Mantolu Madonna (The Madonna in the Fur Coat, 1943); selections from the exhibition on “Das neue Deutschland. Von Migration und Vielfalt (The New Germany: On Migration and Diversity, 2014); and a […]

By Deniz GöktürkTranslated by Jon Cho-Polizzi Download PDF “Transit” is understandable the world over: the word means “passage” in many languages. One might think of crossing borders or of moving through a place; in transit we are all things but settled. In transit, we have already left a point of origin and have not yet […]

By Wolfgang KaschubaTranslated by Ashwin J. Manthripragada Download PDF Since the fifteenth century the Latin term natio has gradually seeped into European languages as a loanword. This illustrates the conceptualization of a populace bound by lineage, history, language and culture, which, as “a people and a nation,” projects an image of itself as an historical […]

By Claus LeggewieTranslated by Jon Cho-Polizzi Download PDF “Multiculturality” and more specifically “multiculturalism” are words that have not yet managed to receive recognition as serious academic concepts. They have too often been employed as terms of combat (as –isms) for the identity politics of minority and majority groups, and have too infrequently been found in […]

By Gisela WelzTranslated By Courtney Johnson Download PDF Mobility is understood as overcoming geographic distances with movement. When national borders are crossed, one refers to transnational mobility. Some kinds of mobility are freely chosen, such as tourism or study abroad; others are reactions to force and hardship, such as forced migration and poverty-driven migration. The […]

By Albrecht KoschorkeTranslated by Emina Musanovic Download PDF [Integration (from Lat. integrare, “to renew, complete, reconstruct”) designates, on a sociological level, the assimilation of an individual into a group or the incorporation of a minority into the majority. On a more general level, it designates the complete (re)construction of a social unity. Social integration is […]

By Emine Sevgi Özdamar Translated by Erik Born Download PDF As a child in Istanbul, the first European word that I heard was: “Deux-Pièces.” Every Monday, my parents went to a movie theatre called “Teyyare Sinemasi.” In German, this meant, “Flugzeugkino” (Airplane Theatre). This movie theatre only showed European films. My mother told me about […]

By Jochen Oltmer Translated by Jennifer Ingalls Download PDF Migration has always been a central element of the human adaptation to changing environmental conditions, as well as to social, economic, and political changes. The movement of people in space has changed the world in recent centuries: countless examples demonstrate the extent to which migration due […]

By Deniz Utlu Translated by Cara Tovey Download PDF On a Christmas day in the early 1960s, my father, emaciated from an almost deadly case of tuberculosis, set his wooden suitcase—his baggage—down on a pier in Hamburg. He had hired a ship to go to Canada, but he had to go ashore in Germany because […]