The Orient of Europe, by Nicholas A. Germana
Book Review Download PDF Germana, Nicholas A. The Orient of Europe: The Mythical Image of India and Competing Images of German National Identity. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009. 272 pages. Paper, £39.99. Nicholas A. Germana’s monograph shines light on the scholarly use of India in the decades leading up to and following the […]
Orienting Europe
Download PDF The following book reviews emerged from “Orienting Europe,” a graduate seminar led by Deniz Göktürk at the University of California, Berkeley, in Fall 2011. The seminar analyzed constructions of Europe in moving-image media, with a particular focus on migration and mobility, practices of orientation, modes of spectatorship, and public formations. Screenings ranged from […]
The Visit
Hakan Savaş Mican Translated by Erik Born Download PDF Read the German text. Acknowledgements: This text originally appeared in freitext, no. 18 (October 2011). Der Besuch premiered at the Ballhaus Naunynstrasse on December 13, 2008, and was renewed on September 13, 2011. Characters Ada wants to sell the property that she inherited in Berlin and buy a house in […]
Angry Birds Sing (Excerpts):
A Correspondence Between the Angry Birds (Marianna Salzmann, Deniz Utlu)Translated by Jenna Ingalls Download PDF Read the German text. Acknowledgements: This text originally appeared in freitext, no. 18 (October 2011). we’re just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl year after yearrunning over the same old ground what have we foundthe same old fears wish […]
The One Who Loves the Sound of Words
Selim Özdoğan Translated by Sultan Doughan Download PDF Read the German text. Acknowledgements: This text originally appeared in freitext, no. 18 (October 2011). I should have listened to my father. The first time I played him my track he said, “What the hell is this? This isn’t even music. This sounds more like the stuff you […]
They Misoverestimate Us: On the Attempt to Throw a Middle Class Pearl Necklace like a Lasso Around the Ballhaus Naunynstraße – A Comedy
Marianna SalzmannTranslated by Robin Ellis Download PDF Read the German text. Acknowledgements: This text originally appeared in freitext, no. 18 (October 2011). Laughter: is an innate expressive human behavior that develops especially in the company of others. Laughter is the natural reaction of a healthy person to comical or exhilarating experiences, but it also appears […]
Vibration Background
Translated by Kristin Dickinson Download PDF Read the German text. Acknowledgements: This text originally appeared in Die Zeit and in freitext, no. 18 (October 2011). Like most children have probably done, I too have understood words, as they had not been said. For a long time I thought there was a word “civil garage,” and imagined a garage […]
Volume 8.1: Foreword
Dear Readers, We are pleased to publish the first installment of texts in our 2012 issue, consisting of essays, translations, creative writing, and book reviews. The first part of this installment is the result of a collaboration with freitext, a Berlin-based “Kultur- und Gesellschaftsmagazin” that publishes contemporary literature and essays from a transcultural perspective. In a prefatory […]
freitext – TRANSIT Download this text as a PDF. Liebes TRANSIT, wir werden dieses Jahr 10. Wir haben dann und wann versucht, Leuten zu erzählen, wer wir sind, aber die haben uns gefragt, wozu? Die haben gesagt, jaja, das ist interessant, aber wo kommt ihr eigentlich her? Und wir sagten – Hannover. Wir sagten, ist […]
Selim Özdoğan Download PDF Read a translation of this text. Acknowledgements: This text originally appeared in Die Zeit and in freitext, no. 18 (October 2011). Auch ich habe, wie wahrscheinlich alle Kinder, Worte so verstanden, wie sie nicht gesagt wurden. Lange Zeit dachte ich, es heißt Zivilgarage und habe mir immer eine Garage voller Polizisten ohne Uniform vorgestellt. […]