Posted in conjunction with the course Multicultural Germany in fall semester 2015. Author: Kenneth Cromer The Edge of Heaven (2007), directed by German-Turkish director Fatih Akın, is an award-winning German-Turkish film that exemplifies the convergence of German and Turkish cultures in many regards, including heritage, language and lifestyle. Beyond the masterfully crafted intersecting storylines, an […]

Posted in conjunction with the course Multicultural Germany in fall semester 2015. Author: Andrew Christensen Gegen die Wand is a dark and dramatic romance directed and written by Fatih Akın. The film makes a powerful statement about the nature of love and family by exploring the unorthodox relationship between two initially broken individuals – Sibel […]

Seventeen years before, Mehmet Umut illegally immigrated from Turkey to Germany. His presence was tolerated there until he became unemployed. Fearing he would apply for welfare, policemen were sent to his apartment to roust him from his bed and have him deported. Much of this drama follows the determined Mehmet as he struggles to sneak […]

Nicholas Baer Download PDF Abstract: In this essay, I consider how films have engaged with the politics of German space and identity in the context of the country’s National Socialist past – and, more specifically, in the context of relations between and among Germans, Jews, and Turks. I analyze scenes from two recent films, Turkish […]