CFP: Berkeley Interdisciplinary German Studies Conference on “Arrested Mobilities: Stillness, Power and Modernity” (Feb. 25-26, 2022, Online)
As early as the 1920’s, Robert Musil remarked on the enormous effort it takes to stand still in a world that demands constant motion. Reflecting on the zooming street he sees through his window, the protagonist of Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften comments: “Könnte man die Sprünge der Aufmerksamkeit messen, die Leistungen der Augenmuskeln, die Pendelbewegungen […]
Translingual Encounters: Freedom, Civic Virtue, and the Social Organism in Liang Qichao’s Reading of Kant
TRANSIT Vol. 13, No. 1 Camila YaDeau Download PDF Abstract From 1903 to 1904 while exiled in Japan, Liang Qichao (1873-1929), an intellectual and political theorist of late-Qing and early-Republican China, introduced Chinese readers for the first time to Immanuel Kant in a series of articles entitled “The Theory of Kant, the Greatest Modern Philosopher” […]
Das deutsche Kolonialerbe in der Jugendkolonialliteratur der BRD und der DDR
TRANSIT Vol. 13, No. 1 Joseph Kebe-Nguema Download PDF Abstract Dieser Beitrag setzt sich mit der Behandlung des deutschen Kolonialerbes in der Jugendkolonialliteratur der DDR und der BRD auseinander. Da die untersuchten Werke – genauso wie die Mehrheit der bis zur deutschen Teilung veröffentlichten Jugendkolonialbücher – an historische Ereignisse und Staatsideologien anknüpfen, wird im ersten […]
Introduction: Traveling Forms (Global German Studies)
TRANSIT Vol. 13, No.1 Andrew Blough and Jonas Teupert Download PDF The present Covid-19 pandemic has brought the contradictions of our global existence into sharp relief. While the spread of the virus across national and continental borders has raised the awareness of global entanglements, the resultant closure of national borders even within the European Schengen […]
Translation Terminable and Interminable: Psychoanalysis Between Vienna and Calcutta
TRANSIT Vol. 13, No. 1 Candela Potente Download PDF Abstract Psychoanalysis, as Carl Schorske claimed, was a child of its own epoch. Marked by the political situation in Austria, Victorian moral codes, the German language and its literary tradition, readings of Classical Greco-Roman culture, and bourgeois middle-European culture, however, Sigmund Freud conceived of psychoanalysis as […]
World Conspiracy Literature and Antisemitism
TRANSIT Vol. 13, No. 1 Sebastian Schuller [Related Links: “Introduction” by Andrew Blough and Jonas Teupert] Download PDF Abstract Conspiracy theory is a truly global form: Conspiracy narratives transgress the boundaries between cultures, media formats, and languages with ease, as is illustrated by the example of the US-American qanon-narrative, which is now a standard reference […]
The End of Migration As We Knew It
On October 4, 2015, a panel on “Ethnography and the Study of Diversity in Germany” held in Washington, D.C., questioned paradigms of research on transnational migration and diversity, focusing on the impossibility of containing these categories within nation-based frameworks of analysis. As part of a series of five panels on “Ethnography and German Studies,” organized […]
Calls for Papers & Exhibitions
Fri–Sun, April 13–15, 2012: Multilingual, 2.0? An International Symposium across the Disciplines at the University of Arizona, Tucson International Conference on Bringing Migration and History into the Equation: Re-Imagining Nationhood and Belonging, 5-7 October 2011, Jewish Museum, Berlin, Germany. September 17, 2011, Orient-Institut Istanbul: From Turkey to Germany: 50 years of migration. September 15, 2011-January 29, […]