Precarious Intimacies: Narratives of Non-Arrival in a Changing Europe
TRANSIT vol. 11, no. 2 by Maria Stehle and Beverly Weber Download PDF Abstract The representation of intimacy in depictions of immigration exists alongside histories of deeply racist contacts and connections. Yet intimate connection may also produce moments of joy, sustaining solidarity and resistance to violent forms of exclusion. In this essay, we develop the […]
“Stranger Shaming”
TRANSIT vol. 11, no. 2 by Katja Huber Translated by Ida Sophie Winter Download PDF Translator’s Introduction Katja Huber was born in Weilheim in 1971. She has worked for the Bayrischer Rundfunk since 1996, where she has produced and contributed journalistic and literary pieces. She was awarded the Ravensburger Media Prize in 2007, and is […]
“The Border”
by Kurt Tucholsky / Peter Panter TRANSIT vol. 11, no. 1 Translated by Jon Cho-Polizzi Download PDF Translator’s Introduction This translation came about as part of a collaborative project between Dr. Charlton Payne and myself in the context of Professor Deniz Göktürk’s graduate seminar ‘Framing Migration’ in Spring 2016. The source text of the following […]
by Kurt Tucholsky / Peter Panter TRANSIT vol. 11, no. 1 Translated by Jon Cho-Polizzi Download PDF Translator’s Introduction These translations came about as part of a collaborative project between Dr. Charlton Payne and myself in the context of Professor Deniz Göktürk’s graduate seminar ‘Framing Migration’ in Spring 2016. The source text of the following […]
Europe’s Displacements: Kurt Tucholsky’s Satirical Essays “Identification” and “The Border”
TRANSIT vol. 11, no. 1 By Charlton Payne Download PDF Europe (including Germany), Tucholsky’s short satirical pieces remind us, was undergoing momentous changes as a result of the efforts to secure and administer its national borders during and in the immediate aftermath of the First World War. The modern nation-state had been developing techniques for […]
How Does Arriving Feel? Modulating a Cinematic Sense of Commonality
TRANSIT vol. 11, no. 1 Hauke Lehmann Download PDF Abstract The essay begins by identifying basic problems in current research on so-called “Turkish-German cinema.” It argues that current research is dominated by a representational understanding of the cinematic image which produces false conclusions regarding the relation between cinematic images and social reality, and that “Turkish-German […]
Celestial Desires and Earthly Migrations: Love, Poetry, and Agency in Özdamar’s Seltsame Sterne starren zur Erde
TRANSIT vol. 11, no. 1 Elizabeth Mittman Download PDF Abstract Previous scholarship on the final installment in Emine Sevgi Özdamar’s Istanbul-Berlin trilogy has issued largely along two trajectories, pursuing questions of migration and transnationalism on the one hand and German memory politics on the other. What has been overlooked in the process is the text’s […]
Who Said Heimat? I’m Only Renting
by Selim Özdoğan TRANSIT vol. 11, no. 1 Introduction and Interview by Kristin Dickinson Translated by Milena Beltrama, Brittany Boyle, Brandon Cummings, Kristen Datta, Hannah Kelley-Watkins, Nathan Korth, Edward Kosta, Ted Ma, James Margard, Sydney McConnell, and Sabrina Walker Download PDF Introduction Throughout the Fall semester 2016, the Department of German at the University of Michigan hosted Selim […]
Keep Moving! Strategien der Wegmobilisierung als Teil des italienischen Migrationsmanagements
TRANSIT vol. 10, no. 2 Federica Benigni und Marika Pierdicca Download PDF Abstract „Wegmobilisieren“ bezieht sich auf eine staatliche Praxis der impliziten Abschiebung von Migrant_innen aus dem italienischen Territorium in andere EU-Räume. Anhand grenzpolitischer Strategien im Rahmen der von Italien proklamierten Emergenza Nordafrica (Notstand Nordafrika, 2011-2013) lässt sich nachvollziehen, dass das EU-Migrationsmanagement nicht primär bzw. […]
If I Should Die
by José F.A. Oliver Translated by Jon Cho-Polizzi Download PDF Acknowledgments This particular translation was first presented during a cooperative and interlingual workshop entitled “Loops of Mig:ration” held on the UC Berkeley campus in February 2016. The translator would like to give special thanks to the Goethe-Institut San Francisco and the Berkeley Department of German […]