Dear Readers, We are pleased to announce the publication of the second installment of texts for our 2015–16 tenth anniversary volume. The articles in this publication begin with a continuation of the thematic of Barriers from Volume 10.1; these are followed by two literary translations and complimented by a special topic collection of essays entitled […]

TRANSIT vol. 10, no. 2 Nina Berman Download PDF Nina, good to hear from you. I think it’s best not to meditate too much about one’s life, if it’s good or bad or strange . . . who knows. I am busy doing 20 different things that keep me totally but productively superficial; I have […]

TRANSIT vol. 10, no. 2 Federica Benigni und Marika Pierdicca Download PDF Abstract „Wegmobilisieren“ bezieht sich auf eine staatliche Praxis der impliziten Abschiebung von Migrant_innen aus dem italienischen Territorium in andere EU-Räume. Anhand grenzpolitischer Strategien im Rahmen der von Italien proklamierten Emergenza Nordafrica (Notstand Nordafrika, 2011-2013) lässt sich nachvollziehen, dass das EU-Migrationsmanagement nicht primär bzw. […]

TRANSIT vol. 10, no. 2 Paul Youngman, Gabrielle Tremo, Lenny Enkhbold, and Lizzy Stanton Download PDF Abstract Is visualization interpretation? It is a question not traditionally posed in humanities research—an area of study in which words on paper historically have been seen as the primary medium through which we express our interpretive, analytical, and critical […]

TRANSIT vol. 10, no. 2 Pascale LaFountain Download PDF Abstract Yoko Tawada’s “Where Europe Begins” explores identity formation and boundary crossings through the depiction of international travel, feminine subjectivity, and multilingual play. The story thus intimates the core issues that Rosi Braidotti later describes as elements of a “nomadic aesthetic,” an aesthetic particularly suited for […]

by José F.A. Oliver Translated by Jon Cho-Polizzi Download PDF Acknowledgments This particular translation was first presented during a cooperative and interlingual workshop entitled “Loops of Mig:ration” held on the UC Berkeley campus in February 2016. The translator would like to give special thanks to the Goethe-Institut San Francisco and the Berkeley Department of German […]

by Deniz Utlu Translated by Katy Derbyshire Download PDF Translator’s Introduction I wrote this translation for an event at Schöneberg Town Hall, the site of Kennedy’s famous “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech. Deniz Utlu was invited to read and speak as a voice of his generation: a postmigrant youth with no sense of hold, it was […]