MGP editor Elizabeth Sun follows up on our recent event with Zafer Şenocak, interrogating the possibilities for resistance that lie in the counter-hegemonic reconstruction of historical narrative. On Friday, April 2, we welcomed the widely published Turkish-German author Zafer Şenocak to the second installment of “Archives of Migration: The Power of Fiction in Times of […]

by Sabine Scho TRANSIT vol. 12, no. 1 Translated by Bradley A. Schmidt Download PDF Translator’s Introduction Sabine Scho’s work is hard to pin down. The German publisher of Animals in Architecture—Kookbooks—is largely dedicated to contemporary poetry, perhaps leading one to an over-hasty taxonomy. Upon closer inspection, Scho’s work, in particular Animals in Architecture, is […]

by Mikael Vogel TRANSIT vol. 12, no. 1 Translated by Jon Cho-Polizzi Download PDF Translator’s Introduction Is it coincidence or fate that a writer with the last name ‘bird’ would take such interest in his namesake? Perhaps it’s both, but Dodos auf der Flucht. Requiem für ein verlorenes Bestiarium [Dodos on the Run: Requiem for […]

TRANSIT vol. 11, no. 1 Elizabeth Mittman Download PDF Abstract Previous scholarship on the final installment in Emine Sevgi Özdamar’s Istanbul-Berlin trilogy has issued largely along two trajectories, pursuing questions of migration and transnationalism on the one hand and German memory politics on the other. What has been overlooked in the process is the text’s […]

by José F.A. Oliver Translated by Jon Cho-Polizzi Download PDF Acknowledgments This particular translation was first presented during a cooperative and interlingual workshop entitled “Loops of Mig:ration” held on the UC Berkeley campus in February 2016. The translator would like to give special thanks to the Goethe-Institut San Francisco and the Berkeley Department of German […]

Reviewed by Bryan Aja Download PDF José Arturo Saavedra Casco. Utenzi, War Poems, and the German Conquest of East Africa: Swahili Poetry as Historical Source. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2007. Pp. 323. Paper, $29.95. A common criticism in conference panels, Listserv discussions, and other public examinations of German colonialism in East Africa is that […]