by Osman Engin Translated by Tes Howell Download PDF Translator’s Introduction In my early fascination with East Germany and the problems of reunification, I had only really thought about German identity in terms of East and West Germans because that is what was presented in my German language classrooms, the German mainstream media, and German […]

By Peter WaterhouseTranslated by Andrew Ziesig, Ilija Wolinski, Kathleen Stack, Ashley Sherry, Kara Saunders, Kelsey Rader, Laisa Neuner, Judith Menzl, Morgen Daniels, Anna Dorste, Anneliese Chittock, Sarah Allen, and David Gramling Download PDF Translators’ Preface I first heard the words ‘Klangtal’ and ‘The Sound Valley’ in 2012, at the University of Luxembourg, during a symposium […]

by Emine Sevgi Özdamar Translated by Leslie A. Adelson Download PDF Translator’s Introduction Emine Sevgi Özdamar, born in 1946 and raised as what the author herself calls a ‘child of Istanbul’, first attracted widespread attention from German literary critics in 1991 when she was awarded the prestigious Ingeborg Bachmann Prize for Literature for her first German […]

“TRANSIT: A Journal of Travel, Migration, and Multiculturalism in the German-speaking World” is pleased to announce the publication of the first installment of texts in the 2013-14 volume: an excerpted translation of  Ali’s Kürk Mantolu Madonna (The Madonna in the Fur Coat, 1943) and selections from the exhibition on “Das neue Deutschland. Von Migration und Vielfalt” (The New […]

Recently, the German dictionary Duden, equivalent of the Oxford English Dictionary in the UK, added 5,000 new words to its 26th edition including many English words or words of English origin, such as “flashmob”. The German Language Society resisted such changes and voted the editors of the Duden the “language adulterers of the year”. However, most […]

Download PDF Abstract: An exchange of letters, written in German, between Bernard Banoun and Susan Bernofsky, addressing issues relating to translation, and particularly to their translations of the works of Yoko Tawada into French and English, respectively. 7. März 2010 Liebe Frau Bernofsky, lieber Herr Banoun, Vielen Dank für Ihre Teilnahme an diesem Gespräch. Bei […]

Kurt Beals, Erik Born, Robin Ellis, and Deniz Göktürk Download PDF Abstract: A conversation with the translator and scholar Bernard Banoun. The following conversation took place in Berkeley on October 29, 2009. Bernard Banoun has translated the works of numerous German writers into French, including novels and prose by Thomas Jonigk, Werner Kofler, Yoko Tawada, […]