Germany faces youth employability crisis, says new report

This article discusses a recently released report in Germany, which details the employment issues facing German youth. In recent years there has been an increase in the amount of high school dropouts in Germany. Additionally many of those who graduate, are still not prepared to enter the workforce. The German Education minister Annette Schavan said 755 million Euros would be needed to initiate programs to fix these problems.
These recent developments are alarming and should not be taken lightly. The German education minister should be lauded for bringing these developments to light. In combination with the decreasing birthrate in Germany, these revelations could be dire for the country. With a non-productive workforce Germany would risk giving up its status as one of the world’s superpowers. However by addressing these issues now and not letting the problem worsen, the situation can be fixed before it becomes too difficult to resolve. It will also be important to teach the new generation proper etiquette and manners in order to insure once they are qualified for the workforce, they can maintain their jobs.