Orienting Europe: The Borders of Memory

A Workshop

Growing out of a graduate seminar on “Orienting Europe” taught by Deniz Göktürk, this workshop will analyze symbolic constructions of Europe in moving images. The workshop is held in preparation for a joint panel at the 2012 NECS conference “Time Networks: Screen Media and Memory” in Lisbon. The common focus is on spectatorship, public formations, and practices of orientation. With five concise presentations and group discussion, participants will explore ways of imagining Europe as a heterogeneous space shaped by migration, shifting border zones, and practices of memorialization.

April 13, 2012, 2-4:30 pm in 282 Dwinelle


Isabel Dzierson
An Ear for Little Aliens: Documentary Narratives of Undocumented Migration into the EU

Marco Purpura
Migrant Stardom and Racial Masquerade: Fabrizio Gatti’s Undercover Journalism between Literature, Documentary, and New Media

Alex Lambrow
Auschwitz as Heritage Site: Regimes of Circulation in Thalheim’s Am Ende kommen Touristen

Annika Orich

The Construction of Genetic Memory in the Documentary Harlan: In the Shadow of Jew Suess

Kaarina Nikunen
Interstitial, Multilingual and Transnational: Re-imagining Identities from Social Media to Mainstream TV

Discussants: Nicholas Baer, Aleksandr Rossman, Deniz Göktürk & all participants