New Addition to Bibliography: Romanian-Swiss Author Catalin Dorian Florescu

Visiting scholar Bizuleanu Dana has made a valuable contribution to our project with her entries on Romanian-Swiss Author Catalin Dorian Florescu. In addition to a Bio-Bibliography (click here to view), Dana has also provided descriptions in English for five of Florescu’s important works:


Florescu, Catalin Dorian, Wunderzeit, Zürich: Pendo Verlag, 2001

Florescu, Catalin Dorian, Der kurze Weg nach Hause, Zürich: Pendo Verlag, 2002

Florescu, Catalin Dorian, Der blinde Masseur, Zürich-München: Pendo Verlag, 2006

Florescu, Catalin Dorian, Zaira, München: Beck, 2008

Florescu, Catalin Dorian, Jacob beschliesst zu lieben, München: Beck, 2011

We are happy to invite you to learn more about this accomplished contemporary writer.


BIZULEANU DANA is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Letters, Babeş-Bolyai University and currently a visiting scholar at the University of California, at Berkeley. She teaches German as a foreign language, business German and is a teacher certified by the Goethe Institute Bucharest (Grünes Diplom programme). Research interests: pedagogy, German-Romanian literature, Turkish, Kurdish literature, migration and integration policies, intercultural competences, transcultural phenomena.