Takva (Gottesfurcht, A Man’s Fear of God)

With actors Erkan Can, Meray Ülgen, and Güven Kiraç.

A tale of the corruption of religious authority, “Takva” (the Arabic word for “fear of god”) follows humble and devout Sufi Muharrem (Can), who receives a promotion from the Sheikh (Ülgen) of his religious order to become the rent collector for the sect’s seminary. Guided into the world of commerce and opulence by the Sheikh and his right-hand man Rauf (Kiraç), Muharrem becomes overwhelmed and finds not only his piety but his entire sense of self slipping away.

Links: IMDB, YouTube (Trailer)

Genre(s): Drama

Written by:

Kumars Salehi is a PhD student in German Literature and Culture.

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