The Other Side of Things
by Zafer Şenocak TRANSIT Vol. 13, No. 1 Translated by Ardo Ali, Oliver Arter, Deniz Göktürk, Jezell Lee, Elizabeth Sun, Qingyang Zhou on Zoom and Google Docs in the seminar on “Modern German Literature: Archival Resistance” Excerpt from the forthcoming novel Eurasia Download PDF I had inherited a case full of papers. A small black […]
“Empty Archives – Lost Letters”
by Zafer ŞenocakTRANSIT Vol. 13, No. 1 Translated by Kristin Dickinson Excerpt from Das Fremde, das in jedem wohnt: Wie Unterschiede unsere Gesellschaft zusammenhalten [The Foreign Dwells in Everyone: How Differences Keep Our Society Together] (Hamburg: Edition Koerber, 2018) Download PDF My mother was a diligent letter writer. But what was in these letters that […]
Translations from the Poetic Archives of Migration
TRANSIT Vol. 13, No. 1 Deniz Göktürk Download PDF In spring 2021, the seminar on Archival Resistance in Modern German Literature evolved as a small but intense research collective entirely online, utilizing Zoom, a course website on bCourses, shared documents on GoogleDocs, and a blog on the Multicultural Germany Project website. The participants of the […]
Ten Years After Fukushima
by Yoko Tawada TRANSIT Vol. 13, No. 1 Translated by Elizabeth Sun Download PDF What is the half-life of Caesium? 30 years? How long does it take Plutonium to decay in half? 24,000 years? Uranium takes as long as 4.5 billion years. I cannot bear this idea. I close my eyes, defiantly telling myself that […]
The Figure of the Exiled Writer in Comparison: Intertextuality in Lion Feuchtwanger’s Exil (1940) and Abbas Khider’s Der falsche Inder (2008)
TRANSIT Vol. 13, No. 1 Franziska Wolf [Related Links: Landon Reitz’s “Meine eigene Geschichte”: Identity Construction Through Reading in Abbas Khider’s Der falsche Inder] Download PDF Abstract Drawing on Genette’s theory of transtextuality, this paper investigates how intertextuality is used in Lion Feuchtwanger’s Exil (1940) and Abbas Khider’s Der falsche Inder (2008) to design the […]
Translingual Encounters: Freedom, Civic Virtue, and the Social Organism in Liang Qichao’s Reading of Kant
TRANSIT Vol. 13, No. 1 Camila YaDeau Download PDF Abstract From 1903 to 1904 while exiled in Japan, Liang Qichao (1873-1929), an intellectual and political theorist of late-Qing and early-Republican China, introduced Chinese readers for the first time to Immanuel Kant in a series of articles entitled “The Theory of Kant, the Greatest Modern Philosopher” […]
Deterritorialized Travels: Notes on World, Earth, and Literature in the Work of Deleuze and Guattari
TRANSIT Vol. 13, No. 1 Florian Scherübl Download PDF Abstract Starting with the works of Edmund Husserl, phenomenological philosophy occupied itself with questions of foundation. The German word Grund’s denotations of both foundation and physical ground give rise to numerous foundational concepts such as Husserl´s Lebenswelt and Heidegger´s Erde. Regarding such concepts, one can trace a path that leads through […]
Towards a European Postmigrant Aesthetics: Christian Petzold’s Transit (2018), Phoenix (2014), and Jerichow (2008)
TRANSIT Vol. 13, No. 1 Jennifer Ruth Hosek Download PDF Abstract A contested polity and an imagined community, Europe is confronting a myriad of political, economic, and climatic shifts. Ethnographer Regina Römhild has recently argued that understanding Europe as homogeneous and clearly demarcated inaccurately conjures a truncated White entity quite distinct from that which its […]
Night Bioscope
“Night Bioscope”[1] by Yoko Tawada TRANSIT Vol. 13, No. 1 Translated by Aaron Carpenter and Jon Cho-Polizzi Download PDF A man stood before me, he pointed with his pointer finger approximately at the place where his heart probably lay and said:[2] “She.”[3] My funny bone twitched; I was confused. “Are you feminine?”“No, not anymore.” He […]
Das deutsche Kolonialerbe in der Jugendkolonialliteratur der BRD und der DDR
TRANSIT Vol. 13, No. 1 Joseph Kebe-Nguema Download PDF Abstract Dieser Beitrag setzt sich mit der Behandlung des deutschen Kolonialerbes in der Jugendkolonialliteratur der DDR und der BRD auseinander. Da die untersuchten Werke – genauso wie die Mehrheit der bis zur deutschen Teilung veröffentlichten Jugendkolonialbücher – an historische Ereignisse und Staatsideologien anknüpfen, wird im ersten […]