by José F.A. Oliver Translated by Jon Cho-Polizzi Download PDF Acknowledgments This particular translation was first presented during a cooperative and interlingual workshop entitled “Loops of Mig:ration” held on the UC Berkeley campus in February 2016. The translator would like to give special thanks to the Goethe-Institut San Francisco and the Berkeley Department of German […]

by Emine Sevgi Özdamar Translated by Leslie A. Adelson Download PDF Translator’s Introduction Emine Sevgi Özdamar, born in 1946 and raised as what the author herself calls a ‘child of Istanbul’, first attracted widespread attention from German literary critics in 1991 when she was awarded the prestigious Ingeborg Bachmann Prize for Literature for her first German […]

By Özkan Ezli and Gisela StaupeTranslated by Jillian Saucier Download PDF Occasion for the Book: The Exhibition Why is the German Hygiene Museum showing a large special exhibition with the title “Das neue Deutschland. Von Migration und Vielfalt” (The New Germany: On Migration and Diversity)? Varying forms of migration—immigration and emigration, asylum and expulsion, migrant and […]

Artistic and Scholarly Practice in the Digital Age The Division for 20th-century German Studies at the MLA 2014 presents a series of three panels on digital practice, organized by Deniz Göktürk (University of California, Berkeley). You can view abstracts and, even more importantly, provide feedback for each of the papers by clicking on their titles. Digital […]

Yasemin Yildiz Download PDF Abstract: The last two decades have seen a rapid increase in multilingual cultural productions in many different contexts. Frequently, the multilingual make-up of these literary, cinematic, musical, and artistic works has been celebrated as an expression of cultural heterogeneity, pluralism, cosmopolitanism, and hybridity. This essay, however, argues that the meaning produced […]

Barbara Wolbert Download PDF Abstract: Exhibited from November 12, 2009, through January 17, 2010, three art shows under the common title Istanbul Next Waveintroduced a newly narrated Turkish history of modern art to German audiences. This Turkish intervention, which led to unprecedented curatorial co-operations by established German and Turkish institutions of contemporary art, is juxtaposed […]

Elke Segelcke Download PDF Abstract: Im Kontext der aktuellen Identitätsdebatten in Europa wie in der Türkei will dieser Beitrag jenseits eines territorialen Kulturverständnisses und der Verkürzungen auf “Osten” und “Westen” die Differenzen sowie vielfältigen Überlagerungen beider Kulturen anhand des essayistischen und literarischen Werkes des deutsch-türkischen Schriftstellers Zafer Şenocak näher untersuchen. Der Analyse liegt dabei ein […]

Alasdair King Download PDF Abstract: After achieving critical success as one of Germany’s leading contemporary film makers with his Gespenster/Ghosts trilogy (2000, 2005, 2007), Christian Petzold’s subsequent film, Jerichow (2008) has continued his interest in utilizing genre conventions to explore the dynamics between his central characters, lost in the forgotten and empty spaces of post-unification […]

Barbara Mennel Download PDF Abstract: In this essay, I argue that The Edge of Heaven constitutes a sophisticated and complex, and in part seemingly paradoxical, response to globalization. I suggest that the film captures the effects of globalization’s most pronounced characteristics. Transnational mobility, digital media, and the increased speed of transportation and information technology have […]