TRANSIT Vol. 13, No. 1 Deniz Göktürk Download PDF In spring 2021, the seminar on Archival Resistance in Modern German Literature evolved as a small but intense research collective entirely online, utilizing Zoom, a course website on bCourses, shared documents on GoogleDocs, and a blog on the Multicultural Germany Project website. The participants of the […]

by Yoko Tawada TRANSIT  Vol. 13, No. 1 Translated by Elizabeth Sun [Related Links: Deniz Göktürk’s introduction; Elizabeth Sun’s co-translation of Zafer Şenocak’s “The Hour of Assembly”; Elizabeth Sun’s (et al.) collaborative work in a translation of Zafer Şenocak’s “The Other Side of Things”; Aaron Carpenter and Jon Cho-Polizzi’s introduction to and translation of Tawada’s […]

“Night Bioscope”[1] by Yoko Tawada TRANSIT Vol. 13, No. 1 Translated by Aaron Carpenter and Jon Cho-Polizzi [Related Links: Aaron Carpenter and Jon Cho-Polizzi’s introduction; Deniz Göktürk’s section introduction; Elizabeth Sun’s translation “Ten Years After Fukushima”] Download PDF A man stood before me, he pointed with his pointer finger approximately at the place where his […]

TRANSIT Vol. 13, No. 1 Aaron Carpenter and Jon Cho-Polizzi [Related Links: The translation of Yoko Tawada’s “Night Bioscope” by Aaron Carpenter and Jon Cho-Polizzi; Deniz Göktürk’s section introduction; Elizabeth Sun’s translation “Ten Years After Fukushima”] Download PDF Yoko Tawada’s short story “Bioskoop der Nacht” from her 2002 collection Überseezungen remains prescient in a world which […]

TRANSIT vol. 10, no. 2 Pascale LaFountain Download PDF Abstract Yoko Tawada’s “Where Europe Begins” explores identity formation and boundary crossings through the depiction of international travel, feminine subjectivity, and multilingual play. The story thus intimates the core issues that Rosi Braidotti later describes as elements of a “nomadic aesthetic,” an aesthetic particularly suited for […]

Yasemin Yildiz Download PDF Abstract: The last two decades have seen a rapid increase in multilingual cultural productions in many different contexts. Frequently, the multilingual make-up of these literary, cinematic, musical, and artistic works has been celebrated as an expression of cultural heterogeneity, pluralism, cosmopolitanism, and hybridity. This essay, however, argues that the meaning produced […]

Download PDF Abstract: An exchange of letters, written in German, between Bernard Banoun and Susan Bernofsky, addressing issues relating to translation, and particularly to their translations of the works of Yoko Tawada into French and English, respectively. 7. März 2010 Liebe Frau Bernofsky, lieber Herr Banoun, Vielen Dank für Ihre Teilnahme an diesem Gespräch. Bei […]

Kurt Beals, Erik Born, Robin Ellis, and Deniz Göktürk Download PDF Abstract: A conversation with the translator and scholar Bernard Banoun. The following conversation took place in Berkeley on October 29, 2009. Bernard Banoun has translated the works of numerous German writers into French, including novels and prose by Thomas Jonigk, Werner Kofler, Yoko Tawada, […]

Christina Kraenzle Download PDF Abstract: Travel and translation constitute the primary focus of Yoko Tawada’s literary production. Many of Tawada’s German-language works are travel stories that consider the models of subjectivity enabled by travel across spaces and languages. This essay considers how her works investigate the interconnectedness of mobility, geography, language and identity, and how […]