Debatte um Minarette in der Schweiz
Spiegel Online: Schweizer Volksabstimmung: Rechte Christen starten Kreuzzug gegen Minarette
Translingual Translation and Spatial Poetics: The Naked Eye in German, English and French
Prof. Bernard Banoun, who translates Yoko Tawada‘s German work into French, will meet with us to discuss his experience translating these multilingual, multi-layered texts. Thursday, October 29, 3-5pm UC Berkeley, Dwinelle Hall, Floor E, Room 5303 Banoun is Professor of German Literature at the Université François-Rabelais in Tours, France.
Post-War Black Children in Germany
Spiegel: The Difficult Identities of Post-War Black Children of GIs
Debate about Sarrazin’s comments about Immigrants
Thilo Sarrazin’s controversial comments about Turkish Immigrants have led to a broader discussion about immigration and integration in Germany. Spiegel Online: Sarrazins türkenfeindliche Tiraden lösen Entsetzen aus Spiegel Online: Türken empören sich über Sarrazin Zeit: Zentralrat sieht Sarrazin in der Tradition Hitlers Zeit: Unter Deutschen Spiegel Online: Ökonom fordert Integrationsministerium/Umfrage: Zustimmung für Sarrazins Meinung
Herta Müller wins Nobel Prize for Literature
Zeit: Herta Müller bekommt den Literaturnobelpreis Spiegel: Patriot of an Estranged Homeland Spiegel: Nobelpreis für das Drama ihres Lebens
Where Europe Continues… Translingual Writers & the Cosmopolitan Imagination
Readings and a Roundtable with Yoko Tawada and Zafer Senocak moderated by Deniz Göktürk (UC Berkeley) Discussant: Homi K. Bhabha (Harvard University) Friday | 18 April 2008 | 4-6 pm Townsend Center for the Humanities, Geballe Room
Fatih Akin’s Latest Film “Soul Kitchen”
Reuters: “Fatih Akin’s “Soul Kitchen” offers tasty treat” Zeit Online: “Fatih Akin in seiner Heimatstadt gefeiert” CNN Türk: “Hamburg’un açılışı Fatih Akın’dan”
Refugee Camp in France Closed
Spiegel Article: “Französische Polizei räumt Flüchtlingslager am Ärmelkanal“
“NPD’s Racist Election Campaign Flops”
Spiegel Article : “NPD’s Racist Election Campaign Flops”
Omulaule Heißt Schwarz: A Documentary about Namibia, the GDR and the Search for Home
Screening (in German with English subtitles) followed by discussion