TRANSIT, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2005
Special Topic: Migration, Culture, and the Nation State
Deniz Göktürk and Anton Kaes
Goodbye, Germany!
Werner Sollors
Global Heimat Germany: Migration and the Transnationalization of the Nation-State
Regina Römhild
The Rhetoric of Origin: Language and Exclusion in Historical Perspective
Hinrich C. Seeba
The Multilingual Experience: Insights from Language Memoirs
Claire Kramsch
Cultural Translation and the Problem of Language: Yiddish in Joseph Roth’s Juden auf Wanderschaft
Sarah Bailey
Provisional Multiculturalism
David Theo Goldberg
The Limits of Multiculturalism
Serhat Karakayali
Circumventing Openness: Creating New Senses of Dutchness
Isabel Hoving
Pathways of Migrant Incorporation in Germany
Nina Glick Schiller, Boris Nieswand, et al.
Thomas Meinecke’s German Fictions of Multicultural America: Model or Admonition?
Cecile Zorach
Mieke Bal
Hito Steyerl
Kleine Freiheit
Yüksel Yavuz