Volume 3: Foreword

Welcome to the 2007 issue of TRANSIT, “Changing Communities.” We are proud to include in this issue Dean Bell’s article, “Jews, Ethnicity and Identity in Early Modern Hamburg,” David Gramling’s “Pamuk’s Dis-orient: Reassembling Kafka’s Castle in Snow (2002),” and Anke Biendarra’s interview, “‘Schriftstellerin zu sein und in seinem Leben anwesend zu sein, ist für mich eins’: Ein Gespräch mit Terézia Mora.

This issue also includes three book reviews: Robert Schechtman’s review-essay, “Re-theorizing the “We” in Community: David Studdert, Conceptualising Community: Beyond the State and Individual and Hans Bernhard-Schmid, Wir-Intentionalität: Kritik des ontologischen Individualismus und Rekonstruktion der Gemeinschaft”; Mason Allred’s review of Fliehkraft. Gesellschaft in Bewegung—von Migranten und Touristen, by Tom Holert and Mark Terkessidis; and Priscilla Layne’s review of Fräuleins und GIs, by Annette Brauerhoch. Please visit our “Articles” page to read these contributions online or download a PDF file.

The 2007 issue is now closed, but we continue to accept submissions for future issues on a rolling basis. Please send submissions to transitjournal@berkeley.edu.

STEVE CHOE and GABRIEL TROP, Managing Co-Editors
KURT BEALS and PRISCILLA LAYNE, Assistant Co-Editors