Welcome to the 2007 issue of TRANSIT, “Changing Communities.” We are proud to include in this issue Dean Bell’s article, “Jews, Ethnicity and Identity in Early Modern Hamburg,” David Gramling’s “Pamuk’s Dis-orient: Reassembling Kafka’s Castle in Snow (2002),” and Anke Biendarra’s interview, “‘Schriftstellerin zu sein und in seinem Leben anwesend zu sein, ist für mich […]

Dean P. Bell Download PDF. Abstract: During the seventeenth century a vibrant and complex Jewish community developed in Hamburg and its surrounding areas. This community was comprised of several sub-communities that varied because of social and economic factors, ethnic differences and external political pressures. Utilizing the protocol books of the Portuguese Jewish community in Hamburg, […]

Anke Biendarra Download PDF Abstract: A conversation with the author Terézia Mora. The following interview was conducted in Berlin on September 11, 2007. Terézia Mora was born in 1971 in Sopron, Hungary, in the border region close to Austria, where she grew up as part of the German-speaking minority. When the borders were crumbling in […]

David Gramling Download PDF Abstract: This article analyses the circuitous relationships between Franz Kafka’s last novel The Castle and Orhan Pamuk’s 2002 Snow. Though Pamuk’s “political novel” does not mention Kafka’s hero by name, K.’s pursuit of the domain of Count Westwest in The Castle lays the rhetorical groundwork for Pamuk’s narrative about Turkish modernity […]

Reviewed by Mason Allred Download PDF Tom Holert and Mark Terkessidis. Fliehkraft. Gesellschaft in Bewegung—von Migranten und Touristen. Köln: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 2006. Pp. 285. Paper, €8.95. In Fliehkraft, the collaborating authors, Tom Holert and Mark Terkessidis, have teamed up to examine the relationship between tourism and migration. Mobility and travel have increased dramatically since […]

Reviewed by Robert Schechtman Download PDF Review of David Studdert, Conceptualising Community: Beyond the State and Individual. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. Pp. 221. Cloth $79.95; and Hans Bernhard-Schmid, Wir-Intentionalität: Kritik des ontologischen Individualismus und Rekonstruktion der Gemeinschaft. Freiburg: K. Alber, 2005. Cloth €48.00. I. The concept of community in German (Gemeinschaft) has a troubled […]