TRANSIT vol. 12, no. 2 Translated by Patrick Ploschnitzki Download PDF SchwarzRund is a Black Dominican queer femme feminist, active in intersectional education, Black German publishing and spoken word, empowerment around Fatness, Blackness, Queerness, and allyship, and critical media research. In this interview, SchwarzRund speaks about the German publishing world, the role of Black queer […]

TRANSIT vol. 12, no. 2 Anna Horakova Download PDF Abstract This article examines a recent refugee novel, Jenny Erpenbeck’s Gehen, ging, gegangen (Go, Went, Gone, 2015) in relation to debates on the refugees who have arrived in contemporary Germany in the context of the so-called “refugee crisis.” The article’s point of departure is Go, Went, […]

TRANSIT vol. 12, no. 2 Peter Erickson Download PDF Abstract In Caroline Link’s popular 2001 film Nirgendwo in Afrika, a Jewish family fleeing the Holocaust finds refuge in British-controlled Kenya. Theater plays a crucial role in the film: Members of the Redlich family explicitly call upon one another to engage in roleplaying. They make use […]

TRANSIT vol. 12, no. 2 Qinna Shen Download PDF Abstract Taking a cue from a painting by Jiny Lan, a Chinese artist living in Germany, which captures Merkel’s refugee policy in 2015, the article examines both official and popular responses to the recent Syrian refugee crisis in China and other East Asian countries. In the […]

TRANSIT vol. 12, no. 2 Joscha Klueppel Download PDF Abstract Dieser Artikel untersucht die literarische Figuration und Wirkung von emotionalen Landschaften der Migration sowie ihre Schnittpunkte mit geographischen Landschaften anhand der Romane Herkunft (2019) von Saša Stanišić und Vor der Zunahme der Zeichen (2016) von Senthuran Varatharajah. Aufbauend auf dem in der aktuellsten Transit-Ausgabe erarbeiteten […]